
Magic Square 3x3

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Magic Square 3x3, lo-shu, Saturn Magic Square The magic square 3x3 is probably the first magic square found!




Chinese legends (2000 b.c.) tell of the Lo Shu. In ancient China there was a huge deluge: the people offered sacrifices to the god of one of the flooding rivers, the Lo river, to try to calm his anger. A magical turtle emerged from the water with the curious and decidedly unnatural (for a turtle shell) Lo Shu pattern on its shell: circular dots giving unitary representations (figurate numbers) of the integers one through nine are arranged in a three-by-three grid. The odd and even numbers alternate in the periphery of the Lo Shu pattern, the 4 even numbers are at the four corners, and the 5 odd numbers (outnumbering the even numbers by one) form a cross in the center of the square. The sums in each of the 3 rows, in each of the 3 columns, and in both diagonals, are all 15 (fifteen is the number of days in each of the 24 cycles of the Chinese solar year). Since the center cell is 5, the sum of any two non-central cells in the same row, column, or diagonal, is 10 (e.g., opposite corners add up to 10, the number of the Ho Tu. (from Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lo_Shu) lo shu 

Saturn Magic Square


Magic Square and Numerology. Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) joined the seven known planets with these seven Magic Square: Saturn Magic Square: the magic costant is 15 and the sum of all the numbers of the square is 45. 15 and 45 are triangular numbers. The colours are: white for the numbers and black for the background. The metal of Saturn is lead. 

Saturn Magic Square

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